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I recently stumbled upon OxiTraffic, a self-hosted, simple and privacy respecting website traffic tracker which is well suited for blogs. What that means is
No personal data is logged one binary or simple docker container Readers are only counted if they spend >20s per site As I currently have no analytics on my blog and I am not inclined to use anything that adds more than 2 sentences to my privacy disclaimer I thought I give it a try.
This blog post will try to outline the process of deploying ILMO (a Django app) by building a docker image, using ansible to install&configure it on our server and use Traefik as webserver that is readily configured and obtains certificates for us.
I will go through the steps one by one and link more extensive documentation.
Building the docker image Building the docker image is pretty straightforward as it closely resembles the steps of manual deployment.
Hosting Static Sites with Traefik and Static Web Server Traefik is amazing to host complex services like with containers. On the other hand it’s harder than you’d think to host a simple static html site. I wanted to share my current approach that is based on Static Web Server Project.
Static Web Server (SWS) Static Web Server (or SWS abbreviated) is a simple and really fast web server with the goal to serve static web files or assets.
This article is about monitoring some IoT devices (e.g. a CO2 sensor) with a combination of Mosquitto (a MQTT broker), Telegraf (a metric collector), InfluxDB (a time-series database) and Grafana (for displaying everything nicely). All mentioned services should run on a server that can be reached from the monitoring device(s) and your PC where you want to check the data. We will use MASH (see below) to deploy the services.