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Einführung KI ist überall. Große Teile des Internets werden gerade durch KI-generierten Inhalten überschwemmt. Teilweise zeigen KI-generierte Artikel auch gefälschte Daten (vor 2022) an um so den Anschein zu erwecken nicht KI-generiert zu sein. Verlässliche und authentische Informationen zu finden ist daher um so schwerer.
Deshalb beginnt das Zeitalter der Schriftgelehrten, denn Informationen zu sammeln und aufzubereiten, das ist, was sie tun. Schriftgelehrte*r verwende ich hier als Übersetzung des englischen Wortes “Librarian”.
Yes the title is correct, but I had nothing malicious in mind!
What this is about For we include the public feed in a sidbar on the homepage. Initially this was done using the standard API to fetch statuses /api/v1/accounts/{account_id}/statuses and worked like a charm. The problem started when GoToSocial (the fediverse server we use, similar to mastodon) implemented authorized fetch. This is a a good thing! Authorized fetch means, that every call to a endpoint needs to be authorized by an access_token.
Introduction In the previous post I outlined how to set up a Nominatim server that allows us to find a geolocation for any address on the planet. Now let’s use our newfound power in Django. Again, all code snippets are CC0 so make free use of them. But I’d be very happy if you tell me if you use them for something cool!
Prerquisites You have a working geocoding server or use a public one You have a working django app If you want to do geocoding in a different environment you will still be able to use a lot of the the following examples, just skip the Django-specifics and configure the GEOCODING_API_URL according to your needs.
Introduction Geocoding is the process of translating a text input like Ungewitterweg, Berlin into a location with longitude and latitude such as 52.544022/13.147589. So whenever you search in OpenStreetMap or Google Maps for a location, it does exactly that (and sometimes more, but we don’t focus on that now).
For a pet project of mine ( I wanted to do exactly that: When a animal is added there to be adopted, the user must input a location that is geocoded and saved with it’s coordinates.
Introduction RSS is amazing! While not everyone thinks that, most people that understand RSS, like it. This presents a problem, as most people don’t have chance to learn about it. Unless there is a person in the community that doesn’t shut up about how great RSS is (maybe that person is you), they might not even know what it is, let alone use it.
One big reason for this is, that when you click an link to an RSS feed you download a strange file that most people don’t know how to deal with.